Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Week In Review

Highlights from HARPER'S WEEKLY:

[Forgive my extended hiatus. I will do my best to post more regularly.]

Texas Congressman Ron Paul said that not going to war in Iraq would have been "conservative," because "it's a Republican, it's a pro-American, it follows the Founding Fathers. And besides, it follows the Constitution."

[Excuse me?]

It was announced that Reagan's diaries would be published. "Getting shot," he wrote in 1981, "hurts."

British Prime Minister Tony Blair announced that he will announce his resignation next week.

Police in Tehran forbade barbers from giving men Western style haircuts or plucking their eyebrows.

President Bush vetoed an Iraq spending bill that included a timetable for troop withdrawal and threatened to use his third veto on a bill that would expand the legal definition of hate crime to include violence based on gender or sexuality.

Sony apologized and admitted that it might have been "inappropriate" to promote a new videogame based on Greek mythology by holding a launch party in London featuring topless serving girls and guests eating offal from the stomach of a decapitated goat.

Britons were enjoying a new reality television series called "Fat Teens Can't Hunt" in which ten overweight teenagers were sent to Australia's outback to live and eat with Aboriginal communities.

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