Saturday, September 02, 2006

John Weidman responds, via e-mail

Following is an e-mail from John Weidman, president of the Dramatists Guild of America

Dear Mr. Devine:

Thanks for your e-mail. I certainly share you concern about the future of the musical and at bottom it was that concern which caused me to complain about Ms. Weiss's review in the first place. Of course criticism is an essential part of the developmental process, but there is a line--and it is not a fine one--between the "criticism" represented by an audience reaction and a professional critic's review, published in one of the most influential and widely read newspapers in the country. If new musicals--particularly eccentric, adventurous ones--are to have any chance to thrive, they must be left alone until the artists creating them decide they are ready to be exposed to this kind of judgmental evaluation.

John Weidman

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